Learn about our equipment

This could be just dismissed as the smaller cousin of the reformer but its unique proportions lend it to being a powerhouse piece of equipment. Like the reformer it is spring loaded to enhance and promote strength and mobility in a variety of positions. Don’t let the name fool you, this is a chair not just for sitting on!

Suitable for body’s of all sizes and shapes, from the very unfit to the athletic, the Reformer can provide you with an energising workout, improving muscle tone, co-ordination, strength and flexibility. The moving platform which is attached with a variety of weighted springs adds resistance. Whilst with straps for hands and feet you can vary exercises from simple isolated movement of the arms and legs to more complex movements involving the whole body.

One of the most eye-catching pieces of Pilates equipment, it’s elegance and beauty is more than matched by its versatility and unique way of opening and strengthening the spine.The ladder allows for extra stretching of legs, hips and glutes. It is used in conjunction with the other equipment to give you a full body workout.

An added frame to one end of the Reformer. It provides a solid base for more spring attachment points enabling varying angles of resistance for a wide range of exercises. It includes the push through bar and roll down bar for extra versatility and is designed for clients of all levels.